Moving with Pets: Tips to Help Your Animals Cope
Posted on: Wednesday, April 25th, 2018
Moving is always stressful. However, when add in pets to a move, it can become downright hectic. Pets are much like children in that they do not enjoy moving. After all, in most cases, pets are going to be put into their cages and moved this way, and no pet enjoys being caged up all the time. This is especially true when moving for long distances. We have compiled a few tips to help make your move with your pet a bit better for both you and your pet.
Be sure that you are checking out what laws may be in place for pets in the new area that you are moving. For example, what are the leash laws? What other pet ordinances are in place? The more you know, the better prepared you can be when you arrive. And this is going to make your transition to your new home that much easier.
Be sure that you are talking with your pet, so that you can make any arrangements that are necessary to move with your pet. For example, they may prescribe you some medication that can help the animal to sleep while being moved, which can lower their anxiety greatly. In addition, it will be a chance to get the medical records on your pet to transfer to a new vet, if needed.
While you may be busy moving, chances are your pet is being stored away in a cage or in an empty room. You will want to maintain the feeding, walking and watering schedule so as to not make the pet even more nervous. Also be sure that you are keeping your pet out of the way from the movers, as this can be dangerous for everyone. All it takes is one wrong move, and you will find that this could result in items getting dropped, a pet getting stepped on or a mover getting hurt.
In the end, make your move easier and your pets move easier by following these tips. If you are in the market for a moving company, be sure to remember Dunmar Moving, as our professionals are here to help!